
Sunday 21 February 2016

posted from Bloggeroid

Primary School in the 1960s


School pic 1

School pic 2

posted from Bloggeroid

Test Post

I've just found this app for my mobile phone.
I've been negligent with my blogging, but, now I can blog 'on the go', I may start blogging more. Who knows?

I can't remember why I took this photo, but it was probably for my mother who, at one time, had wanted a large rooster centrepiece for her table. After that it was assumed that she loved all things rooster!

posted from Bloggeroid

Wednesday 21 November 2012

Sexist ASDA?

A Google search: "asda sexist ad" returns hundreds of results complaining about the 2012 ASDA Christmas TV ad.
It depicts a mother going all out for days to make Christmas special for her family.

"The number of official complaints to the advertising watchdog alleging Asda’s Christmas ad is “sexist” has snowballed to 160, driven by a backlash on social media and protests from a campaign group."

It's actually difficult to know which of the three is more offensive: is it the Asda one which sees Mum vacuuming up the pine needles before single-handedly putting together Christmas dinner (including a Christmas Eve dash to Asda and setting the table)? Or the Tesco one, where Mum is swamped in the kitchen, her shouts for assistance ignored by her kids and answered only when, in his own time, her husband comes into the kitchen, to the strains of Prince Charming, and hands her a glass of Champagne? Morrison's, similarly, sees Mum doing it all, unhappy and unhelped by her family.

and many many many many more.

What a load of old claptrap!
That's not sexist, it's real life for millions of nation's families.
If it is sexist, then the series of Boots adverts, with their irritatiing "Here come the girls"theme.
What about the Fosters series of adverts, with the Australian surf/beach 'men' who's lives seem to revolve solely around beer, beach & surf, whilst everything else is marginalised, especially women.

A similar Google search: "fosters sexist ad" returned no results about sexism; "boots sexist ad" returned many results declaring sentiments that echo mine: Boycott Boots!
To be honest, The first Boots advert, was fine. It was attempting to reach a particular market, but then they used the same theme on all subsequent ads, totally alienating me and other men that I've spoken to.
The Fosters ad, is obviously 'tongue-in-cheek' and the ASDA ad is just true to so many lives.

Sometimes (quite often, it seems), some people jump on the PC bandwagon at the drop of a hat and, in my opinion, that is far worse than the 'sin' to which they're referring.

Monday 12 November 2012

Road Rage

Driving along in my automobile and some stupid moronic idiot pulls out of the side street causing a screech of brakes and and a storm of abusive invectives.

The stupid moronic idiot is, of course, me.
I made a mistake and I'm truly sorry.
Your car was camouflaged against the string of cars parked along the side of the road, on the bend and I truly, didn't see you, even though I looked right, left and right, again.

Almost everyone, except you, naturally, makes mistakes, while driving, whether it be pulling off(well, trying to pull off) in third gear, or not cancelling indicators that, for some reason, didn't cancel themselves, or forgetting to indicate until 10 yards/metres from a junction...

Now I do realise that these lapses sometimes cause accidents: sometimes quite serious, or fatal, but before we become engulfed in self consuming rage and hatred, would it not be wiser to take a step back and think about those times that it might have been you in the wrong.

I always have a rant, when someone's mistake affects me, but 99% of the time it really is very tongue-in-cheek.

The one thing that really does wind me up is the road racer. He sits 3 feet/1 metre behind you, travelling at a respectable 55 MPH and, at the first opportunity, regardless of bends, brows or bad road, he's (it's usually a man thing) off; Change down, pedal to the floor and swerve out and onward accelerating past you and as many cars as he can before he is forced to cut in, causing a festival of  lights, as everyone hits their brakes.

When I'm Prime Minister, I'm going to pass a law banning that sort of driving.